Simon Castellan

I’m a researcher in computer science at Inria (CR) in the team Épicure, in Rennes, since January 2020.

Contact: simon (at) phis (dot) me

Short CV: I have done my PhD under the supervision of Olivier Laurent and Pierre Clairambault on the topic “Concurrent structures in game semantics.”. After that, from August 2017 to December 2019, I was a research associate (postdoc) with Nobuko Yoshida in the Mobility Reading Group.


My current research focuses in understanding the role computer science can play in the ecological transition. On this topic I lead the Inria action exploratoire Back to the trees (Description du projet). Before that, I worked on game semantics models of concurrent languages.


Lowtech identification of plants

Interactive database of Linear A inscriptions

Game Semantics on event structures

Type theory

Research Software


National conferences




J’enseigne le cours Informatique et Anthropocène en M1 à l’ENS Rennes.